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Welcome to Ma Pregnancy & Fertility Clinic, a women's health care center catering to all age groups. Our clinic specializes in pregnancy care and fertility. Our experienced specialists provide personalized, patient-centered care to ensure the best outcomes for you and your baby. We provide ultrasound, blood tests, fertility lab, and pharmacy services. Outpatient procedures like IUI are also carried out.

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Pregnancy Care
At Ma Pregnancy & Fertility Clinic, our team of specialists provides comprehensive pregnancy care to ensure optimal health for you and your baby. We offer routine prenatal care, high-risk pregnancy management, and delivery services.
Fertility Treatments
We offer a wide range of fertility treatments, including ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and fertility preservation. Our team of fertility specialists works with you to personalize your treatment plan and ensure the best chances of success.
Ultrasound Services
We provide state-of-the-art ultrasound services to monitor fetal development and ensure the health of your baby. Our ultrasound technology is safe and non-invasive, allowing us to obtain high-quality images of your baby.
Blood Tests
We offer a variety of blood tests to monitor your health and ensure the health of your baby. Our team of specialists works with you to personalize your testing plan and ensure optimal outcomes.
Pharmacy Services
We offer a convenient on-site pharmacy to provide you with the medications you need for your pregnancy and fertility treatments. Our pharmacy team works closely with our specialists to ensure you receive the best care.

Appropriate Care at Affordable Prices


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